Monday, January 29, 2007


Driving along the windswept unruly highway,
On an impulse unknown we broke,
Along a cheeky, grumpy path, on the right
We drove into the fields of Kuttanad, along the highway near Ambalapuzha

The whiff of wet fertile earth, hit our nostrils
Like childhood lost, like our first tadpole in the beaker glass
Along the cheeky path, away from our destination
We drove into the fields of Kuttanad

In the afternoon gloom of the monsoon sky,
We saw it on both sides - the blanket of green
Spread magnificent, amidst swaying palms
We took in the fields of Kuttanad

We sat on the side of the trail, together,
Looking into the expanse and beyond,
Letting the clouds open up, lash us, wet us, elevate us
That lump in our throats, unsettled, in the fields of Kuttanad

And just as the sun went down, we spoke to each other
Not so much in words, but in feelings beyond
So then....there onwards to our destination!
Our bare feet just numbed, by the fields of Kuttanad

An unspoken resolve took root that day
That when the highway lies daunting, grimy and cold
We will take that short cheeky break on the right
Into the fields of Kuttanad, along the highway near Amabalapuzha

1 comment:

b said...

Great,something unheard of